My Favorite Thrift and Antique Stores Around Wilmington, NC

The best places to find unique items for your flat lays are thrift stores! My sister and I love to go thrifting around Eastern NC and anywhere else we get a chance to visit. In case your visiting the Wilmington area or want to try find some goodies for yourself, I thought it would be helpful to make a map for you of my favorite places to thrift around Wilmington.

Thing to look for include trinket dishes, silver trays, vintage stamps, ring boxes, vintage keys, perfume bottles, lace or pretty fabric and anything else that strikes you! Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find anything right away. I’ll go back to a store only a few weeks after I’ve been there and find lots of new things! It’s all luck of the draw.

Here are my favorite stores to check out if you’re in the Wilmington area!

  1. The Vintage Marketplace
  2. Baker Street Curiosity Shop
  3. The Whatever Shop
  4. Port City Peddler
  5. Uptown Market
  6. Flea Body’s
  7. The Ivy Cottage
  8. Thrill of the Hunt
  9. Recollections

I’d love to hear if there are any other stores around Wilmington that you like to go to o find unique items. I’m always looking for fun and new places! Happy Hunting!


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