5 Essential Styling Items to Have in Your Flat Lay Kit
Flat lays are a new trend happening in the wedding industry as well as the influencer and lifestyle community. Flat lays are images that are styled and laid flat on the ground and shot from up above. In the wedding industry, flat lays are used for photography the wedding invitation suite, the bride’s details (like jewelry, shoes, perfume, etc.) and even the bridal bouquet and boutonnieres.
If you’re just getting started shooting flat lays, there are a few essential items that I would recommend you have in your kit and will instantly make your flat lays look better.
Acrylic Styling Blocks
Acrylic blocks are a must have. They not only can be used as a design element, but they can be used to raise up the paper goods and other elements in your flat lay. If you ever wonder why really well done flat lays look so good, it’s mostly due to layering and raising up the paper goods to give the flat lay dimension.
Vintage Stamps
Vintage stamps are essential to have in your styling kit. They are small, lightweight and come in any color! Stamps can be used to sprinkle around your flat lay or be placed on an envelope. They add extra color and charm to any flat lay!
Key With Tassel
I love adding a vintage key to all my flat lats. It helps to give texture, color and character to your flat lays. Keys AND tassels come in all colors and sizes so you can easily switch them out to change up the look.
Velvet Ring Box
I love our velvet ring boxes. They come in one slot or two and make a big impact to your images. You can photograph them alone with the rings in in the flat lay. Plus you can match the color to your bride’s wedding colors- and even gift her the box after the wedding!
Silk Ribbon on a Wooden Spool
It can be hard to give dimension and soften up an image that’s mostly all flat pieces of paper. But adding silk ribbon in your image is the perfect way to add texture and color. Even having a couple spools of neutral ribbon that can be used for most flat lays will help out your images a lot!
So whether you’re just getting started or are seasoned pro at shooting flat lays, it’s always a good idea to play around with new elements to help your flat lays stand out and make a memorable image for your clients. The best part is is that these small items don’t cost a lot and are easy to take with you on a wedding day.
You can find all of these items and more in our shop! Follow along with us on Instagram for more helpful tips and ideas @thestylingsource!